Prevent Dengue fever with Papaya Leaves

Causes :
Dengue fever is caused by one of the five types of dengue viruses (DENV) spread by mosquitoes.
It belongs to Biological Family: flaviviridae, Biological genus: flavivirus
Study says that these viruses have emerged from South East Asia

When a mosquito bites a person who is affected with dengue virus first the virus enters into the mosquito and when the mosquito bites another person the dengue virus will enter into that person’s bloodstream.

So when a person affected with Dengue virus he might have one or few of these symptoms starting with: Headache, Muscle or bone and joint pain, Nausea (sickness with an inclination to vomit), Vomiting, and Pain behind the eyes, swollen glands, Rash.
Once a person is bitten by an infected mosquito, the above mentioned symptoms can take up to two weeks to develop. In most cases the period of incubation may take 10-14 days.

How to identify Dengue virus?

It is easy to diagnose if a person is infected with dengue virus. But the above mentioned symptoms are very much similar to Chikungunya also.

 Antibody testing

According to the presence of antibodies IgM and IgG (immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G) conclusions can be made if the person is infected.

IgM Result
IgG Result
Low or negative or not tested
Four times increase in samples taken between 2-4 weeks
Infected recently
Low or negative
Infected in the past
Other reason

Molecular testing
A PCR test (Polymerase chain reaction) can also detects the presence of Dengue virus if  a positive result from the test is obtained.
Complete blood count (CBC) and Liver function tests also can be made to identify the presence of dengue virus.


Is Dengue fever is dangerous?

More than a million peoples are admitted in hospitals across the world for getting infected with dengue virus. Most of them get cured in 2 -3 weeks. Some may have hemorrhagic fever which a severe form of illness which may cause organ damage, heavy bleeding, dehydration and may results in death.

Is it possible to get dengue more than once?

Yes it is always possible to get infected my dengue virus twice. If a person is affected with dengue virus of one type there may be a repeat occurrence of that person getting affected by means of another strain.

Can dengue fever be cured?

As dengue virus cannot be treated with medicine or antibiotic, the only way dengue fever can be cured is by treating the symptoms.

 Is Dengue fever is contagious?

Dengue fever is not contagious as the disease can only be transmitted from the infected mosquito if it bites a person.
As mentioned above there is no treatment available for dengue fever but can be treated for the symptoms.

For mild dengue fever,
Avoid dehydration: Because of high fever and repeated vomiting heavy dehydration occurs in the body. So the affected person should drink pure water and also fluids that keeps the body hydrated.
Use tablets like Paracetamol to lower fever and pain.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin are not advised, as it results in internal bleeding.

For severe dengue fever,
Drips can be given if the person can’t take any form of fluids through mouth.
If the affected person has severe dehydration, blood can be transferred in such extreme condition.


The best prevention from dengue fever is to avoid getting bites from mosquitoes
·         Use clothes which covers the body completely
·         Use Mosquito repellents. (Not preferable for children)/ Use coconut oil with neem oil which is natural and can be used for children
·         Use mosquito nets in bed, door and window screens (also apply garlic pulp across windows and doors)
·         Avoid using scents
·         Avoid staying outside during evening time at (around sunset)
·         Burn camphor with neem oil and leave the room closed for 20minutes during evening time
·         Beware not to let water getting stagnated (check AC unit, refrigerator, plant pots etc., that can have water getting stored. 

Foods preferred for prevention from dengue fever (or) person’s affected with dengue fever:

1. Orange

2. Papaya leaves

3. Herbal Tea (use cardamom, peppermint or ginger)

4. Coconut Water

5. Neem Leaves

6. Vegetable and fruit Juices

7. Tulsi leaves 

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